I am.
The moment of Everything.
Life is soft.
My Inner Documents:
I have written them.
I have written them.
I have written them.
I read them.
I erase them.
I change them.
I write love songs,
I write the wind,
I write the song of gentle water.
The sun is speaking now.
I am listening.
I am learning.
I am becoming.
I am wonder.
I am this moment.
I am this Now.
I am this Treasure
seeking itself
finding itself
Loving itself; losing itself.
Parenting itself
Re-parenting itself
Growing itself
Glowing itself
Showing itself
Knowing itself.
Unfolding itself and Bolding itself.
Holding itself, moulding itself.
Proclaiming, reclaiming
the sweet & innocent fabric of Soul.
Holding for the moment
Only for the moment:
The moment of now.
The Moment of Everything.