Art Of The Eternal Sun
art of the eternal sun
you have touched me
all i can hold
all i can be
all i can contain
this spills from silent lips
to waiting ears
the palace of sound
the river of softness
the walkway of substance
the dance of ‘amazing’
art of the eternal sun
you have held me
for a million years
hold me now
hold me again
hold me forever
Moments With You
Precious gazes pierce my mind
I remember every second
Cherished most among my time
Mastered laughter free with bliss
Showers of the sweetest kisses
Warmest memories coming through
It’s been a gift every single moment with you
You taught me the meaning of love
The easiness and difficulty of
Standing strong when life calls upon you
With dignity I live a life in love with truth
Light of my life
It is my privilege
It is my privilege
To be true to my moments with you
I love you.
Between the Words of Living
There’s a Minor Chord playing, that suggests some kind of Longing, Aloneness.
There’s a Major Seventh that paints Expanses of Sky with Openness and Majesty, the Wanderings of Clouds, the Ease of Distance.
A Suspended Fourth opens the Sunrise with Possibility and Magic, sparkles of Friendly Firelight.
A Dominant Seventh suggests the Quirky Sass of Twelve-Bar Blues, inbued with its Sweet, Inherent Workingman’s Lament.
When all chords have stopped, you pause at the silent fireplace of Creation as its flames transform the Waves of Breath into the Vapor of Pure Consciousness. You arrive at the Still Point of Who You Are.
The Music of the Moment once again fills the empty space between the Words of Living.
Inner Rhapsody
Sometimes I feel that if I do not connect then I am not truly living.
I am going through the motions but not establishing that one tone
That can set all my strings in harmonic balance. The range of notes
Is extreme, yet I long to hear sounds above the normal spectrum and hone
My senses to concentrate on only one tentative melody that is playing
In the distance; and I am drawn, as if it were a sirens faintest song.
So once again all that I see before me disappears. The only reality
This need to absorb these hints of rapturous phrases. I know I belong
With this music. I know it is my heart that dances when I hear this beat.
Only this rhythm can fill me. Other music cannot attain these heights.
Only when the rarest musician and the rarest instrument have found
One another can this clarity of perfection be played.
When, ones sights Attune to this level of mastery, one may consider oneself supremely blessed.
This fortune is thought by most to not even be possible. The reality
Of this unified combination produces a composition that is simply out of this world.
It doesn’t have its basis in normal defined parameters, its inclusive totality
Encompasses ranges that can be heard as underlying base components.
Its measurement scale cannot be calculated. The instrument has the capacity
To influence the whole expression of the spectrum. The melody brings light
Into a space that once only held darkness. This is the power of rhapsody.
There is a joy that ushers forth when this symphony of symphonies is heard.
There is no equal to its glory. It captures your full attention and for this rapt time
Bliss escorts you into divine companionship. The fullness of union plays.
There is nothing else worth listening to.
Nothing else is anywhere near as sublime.
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