A Journal from Jules: The Maestro of Peace

Palmero, Italy, July 2008

Hi Folks…

I am typing in the dark back of my hotel room in Palermo so as not to wake my room-mate. The computer will go with her today and I want to get this to you, so I am writing. I cannot read my notes in this light, so I will start again so I can share with you – and savor my own memories, while fresh – of this amazing event which unfolded as a tale of old.

Corleone is not city like Palermo — indeed it is a small town. The bus ride took about 1 and 1/4 hours and way route was lined with grapevines and hay-fields, beautiful mountains and a picturesque countryside.

Grown men baling and stacking hay waived at our bus, the way children wave to train engineers in rural areas. The town square – named for two men who were shot because they stood up to the Mafia – was smaller than a football field.

Chairs had been brought in and some bleachers at the back. They said this important event could have been held indoors, but that they wanted it in the open air where all who wished to could come. Their sincerity and genuine affection for Mr. Prem Rawat was evident and very touching.

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Going my own way, will lead to success;
I don’t have to wear fancy clothes, I don’t have to wear a dress:

Inside me is my direction to follow;
I stand on my own two feet, my pride, I don’t need to swallow:

The things that work for me, might Not work for you;
But probably you’ll find your own path, does that give you a clue?

I am not your leader, and not your master for sure;
But I have met The Man, who can reveal, your Most Perfect Cure!

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Part Of The Sky

There is a feeling, it begins within;
It feels like a place, that there is no sin:

There can be no feeling, but a feeling of love;
It is the feeling, that takes us above:

Above what we usually, feel as high;
It is the feeling, where we become part of the sky:

The sky my friend, and our earth below;
A part of all life, a part of the Flow:

A part that can enjoy, the exuberance in life;
the part that can enjoy, the absence of strife!

So if you want to enjoy living, which is what we do;
Go within yourself, that is a wonderful clue:

To go within, some of us needed a Key;
it was given by a boy, it was given free:

Now this boy is 50 years old;
and my love for him, springs from my very soul!

The gift of the soul, is given by him;
The boy with the Gift, The boy without sin:

The stars above, that shine with light;
Are dull in comparison, compared to our own inner Light!

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The Camana Hall in Lima, Peru

Lima downtown is an area than meets more than ten million people a day. The colorful crowd has received epithets such as “urban wildlife”, “concrete jungle” and several less poetic names, that describe, somewhat, its chaotic aspect. There can be seen, perhaps, the best and the worst of this stunning city, called “City of the Viceroys”.

The beautiful restored historic buildings, try to survive the smog that, merciless, covers them every day, with a layer of black pollution; and the noise of thousands of public service passenger cars is such a cacophony, which peaks among noontime to eight p.m. The scenes are worth of a Fellini’s film, disturbing the mood of walking people. It’s easy to feel alone among this concert.lima

In one of these busy streets of Lima, called Camana St., in the third block, Hugo Monroy, a loving student of Prem Rawat, operates the “Third Millennium” Restaurant, where, day by day he prepares delicious Peruvian food for regular customers in the area, with the help of secret recipes, inherited from his maternal grandmother.

In fact, these recipes are the only thing Hugo doesn’t share with anybody, because the rest of him is an open house at the disposal of his greatest passion: spread the message of Prem Rawat.

With the help of Maritza Espinoza, since 15 months ago, this restaurant-at-day becomes every Thursday and Sunday, a “Hall of Propagation” at night, reuniting a beautiful community who meet in these days according to a very specific schedule: Thursdays, at 7 pm, meet those who are watching the Keys and at 8 pm, introductory events take place. Usually, the ones who were watching the Keys remain at the introductory event. On Sundays, since 5 to 6:30 pm, there are introductory events.

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The world resides within me.
All the stars,
the wind
the sunshine
the moonglow
and moving,
within ? my ? breath
May 2006

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