Posted by on Feb 5, 2008 in CONSCIOUSNESS, LIFE, LOVE, POETRY, Self-Discovery | 0 comments

The fine line between
vulnerability and safetyEternal Moment in Spring
has carved a deep river for me to cross

I want to hold the light,
in this vessel
and become the breath
my true identity

Why mourn the loss?
The peeling husks of time
are bringing me nearer
to wholeness
and to live
a life worth living
delivering me
into reality

This language we speak
it tells a story
of striving for equilibrium,
serenity and contentment.

Poised in anticipation
as the wave of breath rolls in from the sea
from the wind beyond the sun and moon
beyond the sea of stars
shaping the galaxies
and the world within me

‘Like that sand’, you said
I can still hear your voice
the meanings lapping on the shore of my mind..
be taken up, trust,
be displaced, be rearranged,
feel loved

and love your self-breath back
Aleph, the spirit traveller
is audacious and ventursome