Holding the song

gold grass
around the pool

breath’s flute fills

& empties

It makes me weep
to feel how much holding.
(draw your mouth to my ear)

What do I wait for, Love?
One chord, one tone.

One song,

mine alone.

from the CD of poems,
Holding the Song, wiredonwords

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The Smell Of Love

I walk through the café of life.

Smell Of Love, Part 2There are several smells along the way. It is a café of smells. There is no escaping beauty, doom, magnificence, banality and orchids. We are swimmers; sinking is not an option.

The Smell of Love is the most noteworthy. It writhes like a golden serpent, sinking deep into fabrics unseen, riding in Dream Territory, speaking to the sounds that came before words.

It is the smell most of us avoid, yet the fragrance most of us seek. The odor undealt-with, the nameless sound we all recognize like a dog’s ears that rise to the Distant Familiar.

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The other day, I was talking to a friend of mine who had mentioned that he had recently read a book written by a well known “New Age” author who stated that being in love is the closest experience there was to being fully present. ( Being fully present is a good thing, I might add ).

Now, I know that being in love is fun. The colors of life seem brighter. There is a new excitement to the days of loving, a new feeling of delight in anticipation. But, as I heard this I wondered, why do we always think that being in love has to involve another person? Why doesn’t it occur to most of us that being in love could mean, being in love with life itself.

Or, better yet, could it be that it is simply the feeling of love that is the joy? And that the object of our affection is only the excuse to feel this exquisite feeling? Not that I am discounting companionship or even – dare we say, sex – but, I am talking about love: the deliciousness of it. The warm, fuzzy, all- over coziness of it.

If it were not necessary to have an object to be in love with, we could forever have the completely unattached, unlimited, immensely unimaginable experience of LOVE. MMMMMM can you feel it?

The floods of love leave heart’s gates open wide

with no offer of control to stem or turn its tide

Freed at last, the power of its waters knows no bounds

Fear, despair, bitterness with ease it drowns

Love’s searching currents drawn to parched human landscapes

relentlessly smoothing the stone hardness of their faces

Its deep pools giving shelter to all of life’s children

providing home to every searching pilgrim

Love knows all

sees all

seeks all

to be ALL

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