Posted by on Jun 25, 2009 in CONSCIOUSNESS, Self-Discovery | 0 comments

Life, it seems, is about Changes.

There is something of Nature in this; we all know that Change is about – constantly, irrevocably.  The elements, the seasons, the weather, the ants underfoot and the galaxies above – all seem involved in a chaotic, relentless, syncopated, orchestrated construction and de-construction of “Reality”.

What Goes 'Round, Comes 'Round...And we humans strive to stay the same.

Our houses, our jobs, our relationships, our day-to-day routines offer the coziness of a Comfort Zone that we can bed down in, that we can count on, that we can … uh …. lose ourselves in, become unconscious in, fall asleep in.

Is  there anything wrong with that?

The Sky begs the bird to fly.  Is there anything wrong with that?

The nest begs the bird to stay.  Is there anything wrong with that?

Of course, once the nest is empty, the bird goes.  Is there anything wrong with that?

Have you ever noticed that old people smell “old” and babies smell “fresh”?  This is no mistake.  Which would you rather smell?  Of course, we could buy Baby Smell Cologne and pat our cheeks with it before we go out to dinner.  Few people would buy Eau De Old People.  Just doesn’t open many doors.

The reason why Old People smell “old” is that things have remained unchanged for too long. Clothes, personal hygiene, unwashed laundry, souvenirs and mementos gathering dust on the mantelpiece with the stern ticking clock.  Our noses know the Pathological.

And so, Life.

What is it asking us?

What is it showing us?  What is it telling us?  Is it holding back from us, or is it giving all to us?   And if Beauty and Truth and Sweetness really are in the eyes of the Beholder, what are we beholding in our daily dramas?

Awareness. Awakeness. Presence.

I could say (to you, my Lost and Fragile Television Audience) … are you Awake? But I know, in the inner Me of Me, that this message is only for me.  This reminder is only for me.  This LCD display with all its promising colors and potential connections to the Vast Human Unknown, is only for me.

This is my time; this is My Life, and time is passing by.  I am awake – in this instant, this second, this “now”.  This now that passes, consistently, uncontrollably – this ribbon of time that moves through my heart, a ticker-tape of seconds, of knowings, of seeings, of dreamings, of lovings.

This NOW is who I am; has always been who I am and always will be.  This NOW is truly my friend, my lover, my solid ground, my angel-partner.  And this Now contains such sweet possibilities.  The possibility for Remembrance of the Friend, the Helper, the Mover, the Shaker, the Painter-Of-The-Fairy-Dust-Of-The-Universe.

… and the background Cafe Music
(my stereo muse), says this:
“Always Somethin’ There To Remind Me”.