Posted by on Jan 25, 2008 in Dance, Self-Discovery | 0 comments

I wanted to dance this evening, just to express in rhythm, all that is inside me.

However, there was no beat good enough that I could find outside, so I opted to listen
to my own inner music, and see if I could find that one track where so moved, I could synchronize.

I know with most musicians, writers, artists, there comes a moment where you know you have just
switched gears, and what before was a mere consideration to take a drive, turns into a comfortable cruise.

So a proverbial toast, to our highway adventures.

Dance One

Listening is an art, and my best friend said, whatever art you endeavor to pursue,
you must practice.
If there are distractions, external noise, internal emotional storms,
it is pretty much impossible to be in that place, where you can hear the inspiration you require
to move not only you, but others who may wish to tune in.

So the first requirement to access the creative force is become receptive enough,
that you begin to be filled by that which is abundantly in supply.
Normally we are so preoccupied with the miniscule aspects that preponderantly surround us,
that we forget actually, to take the time to perceive the bigger design, which requests us,
to get synched with its agenda.

When we allow ourselves the freedom to explore what dwells inside us, we are pleasantly surprised that it is far more then the trivia of thought that we are accustomed to pondering on. Leaving behind our limited patterning for a pioneering exploration of our own inner territory is not only exciting, but is exactly what each of us are meant to do.

The attributes and aspects we are looking for, are so at hand, but because they are invisible,
it is not as forthright as what is ever changing before our eyes. So secondly,
this reminder to pay attention, to what is already happening.
We are ever geared to what will happen, that what is going on, we miss.

When we realize that joy is pleasantly living amongst the flowers in our own back garden,
we feel kinda foolish, for isn’t it always someone else’s garden, is far superior to our own?
A good habit to adopt is to begin strolling daily in the territory within, for I sense we will discover vistas, that we have been praying to enter, for most of our life.

Warriors Joined MeI know personally so much of the time, I ignore looking to myself to find fulfillment.
We are too busy, too self critical, too preoccupied with the worlds problems, finances,
family responsibilities, who has time to … be happy?
Well time out, as it is said, time to change this plan of action, and get to the business of counting on myself as a resource for happiness, for it is me who has been created, it is you who has been individually given your own propensities and gifts; when if not now, will we explore what was so kindly packed for us?

Now, is appropriate to listen to the music, this beat of my inner drummer,
this soothing melody that is sweet to my own ears.
I need to listen for I want to know all the gifts that are there waiting for me to open.

Maybe this will help us all to find that which we seek, for isn’t it wonderful, when we see,
that it is so close.
The love we yearn for is ever here, but we have been too deaf, too blind to see what is so clearly …
right before us.

May this be music that will nurture your hearts, for I for one, require that nourishment.