The Road to Tel Aviv

It is the end of another business day, school-day, peace-keeping day. Soldiers, school children, a handful of tourists, Hasidic Jews all pile on and empty off the bus in drips, droves, coughs and sputters, as the bus navigates the stew of the afternoon rush.

Soldiers are everywhere in Israel; more pronounced in Jerusalem, less visible in Tel Aviv. They are all young. College young. Just- out-of -high -school young. A period of military service is a mandatory part of the young Israelis’ journey into adulthood, for both men and women. This rite-of-passage speaks of the reality of a societal burden as old as the stones in the temple walls here.

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There is only one place where there are no disturbances. As long as I remain
Still in the center, peace will settle the ripples, creating a continued flow of balance.
Remaining steadfast to the strength that ever upholds me, I can relax, assured
Of my ability to maintain in clarity regardless of those energies not in alliance


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The Camana Hall in Lima, Peru

Lima downtown is an area than meets more than ten million people a day. The colorful crowd has received epithets such as “urban wildlife”, “concrete jungle” and several less poetic names, that describe, somewhat, its chaotic aspect. There can be seen, perhaps, the best and the worst of this stunning city, called “City of the Viceroys”.

The beautiful restored historic buildings, try to survive the smog that, merciless, covers them every day, with a layer of black pollution; and the noise of thousands of public service passenger cars is such a cacophony, which peaks among noontime to eight p.m. The scenes are worth of a Fellini’s film, disturbing the mood of walking people. It’s easy to feel alone among this concert.lima

In one of these busy streets of Lima, called Camana St., in the third block, Hugo Monroy, a loving student of Prem Rawat, operates the “Third Millennium” Restaurant, where, day by day he prepares delicious Peruvian food for regular customers in the area, with the help of secret recipes, inherited from his maternal grandmother.

In fact, these recipes are the only thing Hugo doesn’t share with anybody, because the rest of him is an open house at the disposal of his greatest passion: spread the message of Prem Rawat.

With the help of Maritza Espinoza, since 15 months ago, this restaurant-at-day becomes every Thursday and Sunday, a “Hall of Propagation” at night, reuniting a beautiful community who meet in these days according to a very specific schedule: Thursdays, at 7 pm, meet those who are watching the Keys and at 8 pm, introductory events take place. Usually, the ones who were watching the Keys remain at the introductory event. On Sundays, since 5 to 6:30 pm, there are introductory events.

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Comfortable With Existence

The other day I was admiring the view, open sky, ocean beyond, the verdant earthy profusion after the recent rains, and as I was appreciating how magnificent it all is, a distant hawk caught my sight.

I looked at this free flyer, and I wanted it to approach closer.
Then I thought this bird has excellent eyesight, and can see me perfectly well;
and as soon as that thought entered, he flew right over me, close enough
to completely gaze at one another.
I mean it really made me laugh, for here was awareness and instantaneous connection at its best.

The bird has come before, especially when it senses I am comfortably
locked into contentment, and just silently glides along,
performing an in tune rhythmic dance replicating how I feel.

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Personal Trademark

I love the twists and turns of my life. It’s my personal trademark that declares who I am and my place in the universe. Its peaks are white and bare: a window to this strange and wonderful world. Its valleys are fragrantly scented and echos the melodies of times gone by. Each curve in the road along the way, marks my journey. It meanders onto unexplored seashores, revealing itself in a very small blue transparent chipped pieice of glass, or in a teenage eagle feather resting peacefully on the sand. Life is what I am.

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Life is a colourful maze of glorious adventures.

Each turn left or right, takes me to some unexplored places.  Like sailing down a river to long-forgotten worlds, I find myself at peace knowing that every turn along the way will bring me closer to myself.

I marvel at the soft textures of materials and the brilliance of each scene that lands upon my screen.

Birds chirp happily in their nest, while summer brims with scents of bbq’d fish and mouthwatering melon.

My home unfolds before me in radiant colorings.

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