Moments With You

Precious gazes pierce my mind

I remember every second

Cherished most among my time

Mastered laughter free with bliss

Showers of the sweetest kisses

Warmest memories coming through

It’s been a gift every single moment with you


You taught me the meaning of love

The easiness and difficulty of

Standing strong when life calls upon you

With dignity I live a life in love with truth

Light of my life

It is my privilege

It is my privilege

To be true to my moments with you

I love you.

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Tree Indeed

Tree Indeed
you planted me

I grow too short
beside infinity


you prune my leaves
you shape my song

you give me shelter
I’m in the sun too long


I drink your nectar
in the quiet of home

I whisper your name
I’m never alone


Tree indeed
I planted you

Seed in my heart
remains forever true.

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